Posted: September 14th, 2017

investigate nursing in the context of the labour markets in the consensus years (1945-1979) and the Neo Liberal years (1979-present)

Comparative study of nursing in Britain from consensus years (1945-1979) to Neo liberal years (1979- present)


investigate nursing in the context of the labour markets in the consensus years (1945-1979) and the Neo Liberal years (1979-present), beyond simple description. should offer analysis and engage with theoretical concepts of work organisation and the labour process ( such as :Mcdonaldisation, taylorism, alienation, keynesian economics, pluralist approach-Alan fox), looking at trade unions,Human resource Management and zero hour contracts.

should look at:

the political and ideological environments
economic orthodoxy
the impact of technology
industrial/employment relations
management/human resource management stratergies
demographic changes

(for both periods) in relation to:

terms and conditions
career progression (prospects)
security of tenure
pension or other terms

The aim is to convey the essence of what it was/ is like to be a nurse within both periods and to show how things have changed within British nursing/labour market and why.

3300 words, single line spacing, not too wordy (not too many big words). give examples where necessary with in text references, plus reference of sources used at the end of essay in Harvard style. tunitin is used for submission, so please no plagiarisms.

Please do not use any Wikipedia sources.

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