Posted: September 13th, 2017

Investigate the various solutions that we have read about to the issues of violence by gangs, fraternities, police, and religious organizations. Feel free to discuss whether you agree with these solutions and offer alternative solutions

Investigate the various solutions that we have read about to the issues of violence by gangs, fraternities, police, and religious organizations. Feel free to discuss whether you agree with these solutions and offer alternative solutions

give about 2 or 3 references using these articles and books.

2.)”Justifiable Homicide” by Minister Louis Farrakhan

3.) “The History of Black Greek Letter Fraternities” from the book “Black Haze

4.)” Wretched of the Earth” From “Wretched of the Earth” by Frantz Fanon

5.) “Police Unbound” from “Police Unbound” (PROMETHEUS BOOKS, PUBLISHER,2001)

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