Posted: September 14th, 2017

Is there a case for iodine supplementation for adolescent girls in the UK

•Discuss the evidence base behind this proposed public health initiative and the implications for its implementation

•Using evidence from the literature, write a short review on whether or not you think that there is a case for supplementing adolescent girls in the UK with iodine

The discussion should be through the life cycle starting form pregnant women, early childhood, school age children and how that affect the adolescent

•3000 words, with tables and figures that illustrate the argument (word count not include tables or references, tables and figures should be at the appendix)
•A literature review rather than an essay
•The assessment will be on the skills and knowledge in:
–Public health nutrition
–Nutritional epidemiology
–Literature searching
–Critical review


• Use subheadings
–Overview of iodine
–Effect of mild to moderate deficiency (but mention severe deficiency briefly)
–Recommended intakes (DRVs/SACN, WHO)
•Iodine status of UK female population
–How is it measured (accuracy)?
–Studies of iodine status (focus on UK, but OK to include studies from similar population to the UK, it has to be from developed countries, European studies, US,

Australia and New zealand, but make it relevant to the UK)
•Consequences of iodine deficiency (focusing on moderate, not severe deficiency)
–Evidence from studies
–Focus on girls/women (effect on foetal development)
•How can the situation be improved?
–Full discussion of arguments for and against supplementation (risks and benefits)
–How should we improve iodine status?
–What have other countries done?
•References (please use Harvard system)

The review
•Focus on mild-moderate deficiency in the female population in UK, drawing evidence from other developed countries. Your review should not focus on severe iodine

deficiency in emerging/developing countries
•Use primary studies to back up the argument i.e. don’t depend on review articles…it is better to read the original studies for yourself than to depend on the opinion

of a reviewer.

Critical reading

•Try to question as you read

You will come across different study types: cross-sectional, prospective cohort and intervention studies: be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of


•Supplementation: British Nutrition Foundation website
•Measuring intakes: Medical Research Council Diet and Physical Activity Measurement Toolkit
– the american journal of clinical nutrition is one of the most reliable sources
– I will provide you by some sources i have

– after writing the instructions, you want the writer need to use the primary paper.


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