Posted: September 16th, 2017



You will find a current article related to week 1 topic, Triple Constraint, summarize the article in your own words, and then describe how the article relates to the course concepts.

Each article summary will be a minimum of two pages. Additionally, you must cite as per APA 6th Edition rules for references, the article used as the basis for the summary.

Academic writing normally includes more than 1 citation with the related reference. Try to find at least 1 other supporting or opposing source.

  • For all papers submitted to this class, APA (6th edition) format is required.
  • The cornerstone of academic writing is “compare and contrast” which is what you will be doing when you discuss how your selected article applies to the concepts studied in the course.
  • The use of subheadings and table of contents is encouraged as this helps to organize your paper.
  • Title Page and Bibiliograpy needed

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