Posted: September 13th, 2017

IT career.Project Report

IT career.Project Report

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IT career.

Option 1 – Career Project Report
This project is designed to get you to think about your future. You are to write a paper about your plans to get you where you want to be at graduation and beyond.  First of all, not many people know what they want to do year-to-year, much less two to four years into the future. So, take your best shot.
The project report, written in Word, should contain a title page, cover letter, report, appendices, and reference sections in APA  format. The title page must include the course designator (MGSC 290) and section number (001); the full name of the course; the instructor’s name, your name, and the assignment title, “Group Project Option 1 – Career Project: name of the career are to be inserted here”
The report is to be divided into several sections. The first section, “Career,” is an introspective view of your career path.  You need to select a career as a general course or progression of one’s working life. You should, at the very least, provide a description of the career you choose.  Some discussions could be 1) why the career is attractive, 2) what the career contributes to our society, and 3) whether the career fits with our life style. Remember you may have to consider that some jobs require relocation, travel (70% or above), time shift (you may have to work at night), apprenticeship (training), and specific physical/emotional conditions. Verbalize any considerations that you make.
The second section, “Job Research,” is a discussion of job(s) of interest within the domain of the career path you choose. You should, at the very least, provide salary information, job locations, and other pertinent. If you discuss multiple jobs, rank the jobs in order of preference. Remember, that, even though there is a need for these professionals, the pay in certain locations will vary. Career Center on the sixth floor is an excellent resource.
The third section, “Fiscal Considerations,” is a one year cash flow statement that assumes you receive your projected salary. A cash flow statement is a computation of what you receive less what you must pay out. What you receive could include your after-tax income, an allowance from Aunt Gertie, interest on bonds or a trust, after-tax income from a second job, etc. Your expenses include shelter (rent or house payment), transportation (bus, car payment and repairs, or other), utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewage), communications (home phone and or cell phone, internet connection, cable or satellite TV, etc.), food (groceries and/or daily eat-out allowance), entertainment (movies, special dinners, flowers, shows, etc.), investments (this is the amount you put into a Roth IRA or other investment that is not a deduction on your paycheck), reserve/savings, property taxes, auto/life insurance, etc. This is not an all-inclusive list, so add to it as needed. Also, be as specific as possible. There are several templates in Excel to help you get started.
The fourth section, “Reality Check,” is a reconciliation of your unilateral decisions to this point with an outside party. You must interview three people. One person should be a parent, spouse, fiancé or close relative that is interested in your future success. One person can come from your support group or peer who will be willing to seriously discuss your ambitions. The third person should be someone with knowledge of your potential career or can add insight into your life style. You should try to find someone trustworthy and serious. If your interviewee says you are, or are not, cut out for this type of job, have them explain why. As a result of your interviews, you should discuss any changes or compromises that you decide to make. If you make changes to your cash flow statement, show your modified statement.
The fifth section, “Preparation,” is your plan to get the job in the location and at the salary that is your goal. You should determine the major(s) that you determine will best prepare you. List the courses that you have taken that are accepted for the major(s) and the courses, by semester, that you must complete in order to complete your course of study. List internships that you have applied for or those you intend to apply for. You will want to schedule an appointment with an advisor in the school(s) you wish to attend. Advisors in the University’s Career Center  can advise you on prerequisites and courses that are not offered every semester in addition to assisting you to devise a long-range plan. Don’t forget to go over your internship and/or other employment with the advisor to insure that you have a workable plan. Several departments have documents such as the attached from Management Science that describes and illustrates the path to a degree.
The sixth section, “Summary,” is your opportunity to discuss this process and your experiences. Feel free to discuss whether or not you think it was of value. Discuss any new things you learned that will help you in the future. Discuss obstacles that you had to overcome. These obstacles could be any of several challenges from difficulty in getting an interview in a timely manner to doing section breaks in Word.
Appendix one is your present résumé for use in applying for an internship or after-school employment.
The “References” section should list, in APA style, all the citations within the body of the report. Interviews should be cited and referenced.
This report will be graded on a number of criteria including: the depth of research demonstrated, clarity of presentation, and overall usefulness of the report to someone wishing to understand the career path.
You will be asked to present your research to the class and will be notified of the exact date and time later in the semester. Any member(s) of your team may make the presentation. You need to prepare PowerPoint slides in order to make a professional presentation.

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