Posted: May 2nd, 2016

It would be incorrect to state that:

It would be incorrect to state that:
A. The Aztec and Inca Empires that flourished in the s15th and 16th centuries were the latest in a long line of civilizations that preceded them in Mesoamerica and Andean South America respectively
B. In its political dimensions, classical Maya civilization more closely resembled the imperial structures of Egypt, Persia, and China than the competing city states of ancient Mesopotamia
C. The most notable achievements of the Classical Maya occurred during the classical phase of Mayan Civilization between 250 and 900
D. The Maya combined their mathematical ability with careful observation of the night skies to plot the cycles of planets, to predict eclipses of the sun and the moon, to construct elaborate calendars and to calculate accurately the length of the solar year

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