Posted: July 1st, 2014

Jennifer turned in her status report for the newly approved mailing activities.

Jennifer turned in her status report for the newly approved mailing activities. She feels that her pieces are on track with nothing for you to worry about. She reports the following information for the critical path tasks:

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You review her status report and determine that Jennifer does not have a solid grasp of her status. Ben was unable to provide you with anything more than, “Things are moving along just fine.”

  • Using earned value measurements along with the other information and metrics available, determine the true status of Jennifer’s portion of the project.
  • Prepare an updated status report (1 page) for Jennifer and share the measurements and your rationale in your determination of the status for the project.
  • Create a 2–3 slide presentation explaining the benefits of using EVM.
  • Be sure to document some instructions (1-page document) for Jennifer and Ben for determining the project status for their next project update to you.
  • Also, provide materials that would be used to train Jennifer and Ben on the benefits and application of earned value.
  • The materials should include some guidelines for Jennifer and Ben to help them create and then interpret the metrics.

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