Posted: December 1st, 2014

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Order Description

The assigned reading is from
Regine Pernoud, The Retrial of Joan of Arc: The Evidence for Her Vindication (San Francisco:
Ignatius Press, 1955)

JOAN OF ARC Part I. (**In a 1 page paper)

Visions and Virtues: An ordinary person with an extraordinary personal destiny?

Read, Summarize and Reflect on Joans calling and her personal destiny
Read the following:
(Family and Friends) pp. 71-75, 80-83, 87-88
(Visions & Destiny) pp. 83-84, 98-100
(Comrades in Arms) pp. 96-98, 101-103
(Siege of Orleans) pp. 107-110
(Before the King) pp. 111-114
(Beautiful & Chaste) p. ix, pp. 111-114; 116-117, 117-120, 123-125
(Signs and Portents) pp. 133-145, 153-161,173-174, 179, 182,
(Called Whore) pp. 180-190,
(Proven Virgin amidst Lecherous Men) pp. 232-235

JOAN OF ARC Part II. ( **In a 2 page paper)

Prosecutorial Misconduct: Abuse of Process, a Nullity, and Appel?

Read, Summarize, Reflect, and imagine you were Joans lawyer how would you promote justice in light of the injustice done to Joan
Read the following:
(False Confession) pp. 50-52
(Bait & Switch) pp. 57-58, 60
(Objectionable cross exam) pp. 217
(Joan’s great reply) pp. 220
(Asked & Answered) pp. 222-223
(Counsel Denied) pp. 225
(Fear & Bias) pp. 226-227
(Appeals to the Pope) pp. 231-232
(Falsification of the record) pp. 232
(Tampers with Judges and Witnesses) pp. 274-275

JOAN OF ARC Part III. (**In a 1 page paper)

Suffering: Its Meaning and Kinds

Read, Summarize and Reflect on the horrible sufferings when confronted with ill will Joan had to endure.
Read the Following:
(Prison Sexual Assault) pp. 194-196, 210-213, 215
(Defends the King who Deserted her) pp. 236-237
(Joan’s fear of Burning) pp. 237-238,
(Lied to) pp. 240-241
(Men’s cloths: Tricked, Sexually Assaulted and Condemned) pp.241-242, 278-279, 281
(Joan’s Lament) pp. 244-245
(Her Last Words) pp. 246-248, 250-254


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