Posted: September 19th, 2015

Job Trends

CMT220 Professional Presence
(Replacement Assignment)

Research Contemporary Workplace Issues

Each student will write a 2-3 page research paper on a topic of his/her choosing. MLA format, in-text citation and bibliography are to be included.

Glass Ceiling
Percentage of women working versus staying home
Salary discrepancies
Percentage of women in upper management, CEO�s, CFO�s etc.
Barriers to advancement

Harassment in the workplace
What is the industry definition?
Protection of the employee
Examples and or role play scenarios/demonstration
Percentage of harassment cases � amounts awarded
Economic affects i.e., cost to the employer
Current policy � is it clear?

Globalization � An Economic Perspective with a cultural influence
Affect is has on employment in the USA
What countries are leading the global market
What industries are most affected � i.e., where is the growth or demand?

Job Trends
Top leading industries and/or jobs
Statistics on numbers employed in these industries.
Where is the demand the most � least?
Where are the highest paying jobs?
What degrees are in demand � and in what area(s)?


Unemployment rate, analysis, affects, and ramifications
What industries/jobs have been affected the most, and why?
Any suggested solutions � analysis?
Affects on the economy � ramifications?

Top companies to work for in the USA, and why?
Unique characteristics and programs
What the employees say � anything in the news
Reasons for success

7. Stress in the workplace
What are some of the stressors employees face?
Top leading causes of stress in the workplace?
Cost to the employer?
Any programs identified that assist employees, i.e., EAP programs

How prevalent is outsourcing?
Economic benefits: cost/savings to companies; wages.
Affects on employment rate � opportunities
Percentage lost to other countries

Influence of technology in business and/or the workplace
Positive and negative influences in the way we communicate.
Development of the �virtual office� � on the rise or not?
Rate and/or demand for the �virtual office�
Telecommuting � is this the same as above?
Affects on globalization

Economic trends in the USA
Foreign investment in our country � is it on the rise?
Affects on employment

Cultural diversity in the workplace
Definition � what is it?
Training programs in companies � who has one?
Globalization and cultural diversity � the larger scope

Disabilities in the workplace
Growth in number
Related to

Economic effects

Workplace Privacy and Confidentiality
Affects on technology
Communication considerations
Monitoring considerations
Laws related to workplace privacy & confidentiality
Case Studies related to the issue
Law suits � company violation related to employee performance
Code of conduct � universal or not?.


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