Posted: February 8th, 2015

Journal 7

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



For Erica Ariel Fox, Winning From Within, Introduction and Chapters 7 and 8, answer the following question:
1. How do you relate to compassion, openness, generosity, empathy, and acceptance? That is, do they make you excited? Uneasy? Intrigued?

2. Write your response to one other Reflection Question on the list on p. 200. (see the attachment)

3, Do the warrior’s world view and sweet spots come easily to you? Is it challenging for you to see how the Thinker operates in you?

4.When was a time when you found you could – or found it difficult – to (a) Speak the truth, (b) Hold your ground, and/or (c) Take action.

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