Posted: September 16th, 2017

Journal Brief Report

Journal Brief Report

Order Description

Below are the instructions for this brief report. . Also – the text book that need to be referenced for the two topics in the chapters is: “Business Law Today- The Essentials. Author : Miller and Jentz Publisher : Cengage. ISBN # 978-1-133-19135-3. 10th edition”
Read the attached New Yorker magazine published articles and for each article provide the following:
1) Summary: Summary of the main points and legal & ethical issues of the article. 3ts ea.
2) Application: Apply Ch 1-4 & 6 in specific details. At least two topics from each chapter must be applied to each article. Outline and be specific. Reference text and explain. 9pts ea.
3) Reflections: Provide your legal opinion/reflection/observation on each article. 3 pts ea.
Follow the above highlighted heading format for each article report.

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