Posted: September 13th, 2017

Judaism-Catholic write-up event

Judaism-Catholic write-up event

Order Description

Write-up of one cultural event (a movie, play, lecture, religious service, etc.) The write-up must include an analysis of the event in relation to material covered in class. Write-ups of religious services MUST be from one of the major religious faiths different from your own (catholic). For example, if you identify as Protestant, you can attend and write-up services at a mosque, synagogue, etc., but not a different Christian denomination.
Find a cultural event (movie, play, lecture, service) about the JUDAISM and write about something that you can debate; something that you notice is similar/different from your religion (catholic) what and why did you think was interesting, etc. Do not just talk/describe or compare the two religions. Talk about your experience with the cultural event but do not talk bad about the judaism or insinuate that your religion (catholic) is better

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