Posted: September 13th, 2017

judgement and decision making

judgement and decision making

Task: Write 5 abstracts:
1. Write an abstract of 300 words for the four (4) nominated readings in the Reading Material and Exercises book (RME). The nominated readings for the current semester

are listed under the

heading “Further information” see below.
2. Write an abstract of 300 words on a single reading of your choice from a different section of the RME to those that contain the nominated readings. That is not from

the sections which the

above nominated readings have been selected.

3. Under each of the five (5) abstracts, write a 150 word example of how each reading relates to your work experience, or how they could relate to an imaginary work

situation. If you do not have

any relevant work experience the “experience” components may be based on your personal experience.

A feature of the assignment is the requirement of strict compliance with the word limits, each component has a word count tolerance of plus 10%.

Reading 1.5 Jackall, R. (1988), Chapter 4, ‘Looking up and looking around’, in Moral Mazes, Oxford University Press, NY.

Reading 5.2, Hogarth, R.M. (1981) ‘Beyond discrete biases: functional and dysfunctional aspects of judgemental heuristics’, Psychological Bulletin, 90(2)

Reading 6.1 Lindblom, C.E. (1959), ‘The science of “muddling through”, Public Administration Review, 19, p 79-88.

Reading 8.3 Bloomfield, B.P., and Bert, A. (1992), ‘Management consultants: systems development, power and the translation of problems’, The Sociological Review, 40:3.

The 5th Abstract must be completed for a reading of your choice taken from one of Section 2, 3, 4 or 7 of the Reading Material and Exercises book.


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