Posted: August 8th, 2013

Kandinsky’s 1911 watercolor, Mondrian’s Red, Yellow, Blue from 1930.

Abstraction has offered many different possibilities to artists in the 20th & 21st centuries. In chapter 3.8 or related material in the content section, find two (2) artworks that illustrate the artist’s use of abstraction. Consider the intentions of the artists as well as the formal appearance of the artworks and then compare their similarities and differences.
Be sure to clearly describe the works (the formal appearance) and explain why they look that way (the artist’s intentions). How are they similar; how are they different?
Possible artworks include, from book: 3.184, 3.185, 3.186, 3.189, 3.197, 3.199, 3.201; from content section: Kandinsky’s 1911 watercolor, Mondrian’s Red, Yellow, Blue from 1930.

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