Posted: September 13th, 2017

Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters

Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters

Project 4 is a “researched argument essay” – a research paper in which you make the best case you can for your thesis, which is the point or message of your paper. Remember that a thesis is a rationally arguable assertion and not a statement of fact, faith or preference. Hopefully, it will contain a perspective on or insight into your topic that you arrived at after reading your sources. Your purpose is to express and share your knowledge and your interest in it with others who might be interested, and to try to convince your audience to at least respect and maybe embrace your point of view by supporting it with evidence and other concrete details. That job will be easier after you ask yourself what might be the counterarguments, which I’d like you to respectfully include in your paper. If you have difficulty with that (or anything else), please ask me for help! Generally, paraphrase and quote sources in support of your ideas.

Sources and Citations
You must reference eight or more sources, of which at least five must be academic. I will without question accept as academic any source that fits one or more of the following:
It was published in an academic journal
It was written by someone who has substantial credentials (ie. a graduate degree or, in the case of a journalist, extensive background and publications) in the subject area
It is an excerpt from a book published by a university press.
Ideally, you will have established those criteria in Project 3, so please be sure that you have at least five “academic” sources that you want to use for the research paper listed in your annotated bibliography. The rest of your sources may be drawn from newspaper and popular magazine articles, books written for a wider audience, documentary films, and other video or news coverage.
Use MLA format. You must include both in-text citations and a Works Cited page at the end. Follow the MLA guidelines either in the textbook or in the one-page MLA style sheet available at the library. Be consistent and pay close attention to detail.

Additional Requirements
1) You must include a relevant image or a graphic (such as a chart or diagram). You may create it yourself or use one from one of your sources and cite the source.
2) The length requirement for the research paper is 8-10 pages. Images or other graphics can count for up to one full page of the 8 but no more. The Works Cited page at the end is required but does not count as a text page. Also, as always, please put your name and the rest of the heading on a title page only, which also does not count as a text page. You may repeat the title at the top of the first page of text.



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