Posted: February 14th, 2015

Key trends overview, relevance /significance of knowing this information for fashion retailers & key trend and issues to be discussed for this essay

Key trends overview, relevance /significance of knowing this information for fashion retailers & key trend and issues to be discussed for this essay (80 words)

Theme 1: Identify first Trend – Should be from the Pestle Framework & use this information to identify implications for retail strategy. You should select one strategy for conciseness. So for example – impact of technological developments for interactive in store environments.
Theme 2: Fully define current  retail strategy in response to this (Apply relevant models/frameworks) trend
Theme 3: Argue Relevance & provide possible recommendations for future approaches to the specified strategy ( apply relevant models/frameworks)
Theme 4:  Provide suitable case examples (related to fashion)
Conclusion (80 words)

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