Posted: September 13th, 2017

KlippelTrenaunay-Weber Syndrome

Casey Martin was a golfer with a bad leg (Casey is afflicted with KlippelTrenaunay-Weber Syndrome, a rare circulatory disorder that has left him with a withered right leg. He may eventually face amputation). Due to this circulatory disorder, walking the course caused Martin considerable pain and posed a serious risk of hemorrhaging (uncontrolled bleeding) and fracture. Despite his disability, Martin had always excelled at the sport. He played on Stanford’s championship team while in college, and then turned pro. Martin asked the PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) for permission to use a golf cart during tournaments. The PGA turned him down, citing its rule prohibiting carts in top professional tournaments. Martin took his case to court in 2001. He argued that the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) required reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, provided the change did not “fundamentally alter the nature” of the activity. Some of the biggest names in golf testified in the case. Arnold Palmer,’ Jack Nicklaus, and Ken Venturi (who lived in Rancho Mirage until his death in 2013) all defended the ban on carts. They argued that fatigue is an important factor in tournament golf, and that riding rather than walking would give Martin an unfair advantage. The case went to the United States Supreme Court, where the justices found themselves wrestling with what seemed to be a siUy question, at once beneath their dignity and beyond their expertise: “Is someone riding around a golf course from shot to shot really a golfer?” Here’s the link: http//_spmts espn ARGUE THIS ISSUE USING .Y OF TilE ETIIIC1. IIIEORIES E II, I :– i l DIll>: KANT’S DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS, JOHN STUART MILL’S UTILITARIAN ETHICS, OR VIRTUE ETHICS-OR SOME COMBINATION OF THE THREE. SEE WHICH WORKS BEST FOR YOUR ANSWER. THE FIVE BASIC PRINCIPLES MAY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OF THE THEORIES (BUT NOT ON THEIR OWN).

A Was Casey Martin being treated unfairly by the PGA? If you were a
Supreme Court justice, how would you rule? Why would you rule that wav? (HINT) Use the virtue ethics ideas of Aristotle, Confucius, and Buddha to determine the telos (the goal, or essential nature) of the game of golf What kinds of “virtues” (skills of arete, or excellence) must be habituated to play this game? Had Casey Martin developed the necessary “virtues” to play professional golf? Were these virtues being rewarded justly?


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