Posted: September 16th, 2017

knowledge management

knowledge management

You are required to produce an INDIVIDUAL formal report involving a consideration of knowledge management (KM) initiatives and how they may be exploited for business

value. The assignment (max 2500 words excluding references) will involve an analysis of an organisation of YOUR choice with the objective of determining how KM

(embedded in social media) may result in successful innovation.
You should specifically identify how ANY organisation may learn the nature of social media which may be adopted to exploit the extent of an organisations knowledge

leading to enhanced innovation. For clarity, your report should therefore form FOUR elements, i.e. organisational learning approach, knowledge management features,

case organisation social media development and the opportunities for subsequent business innovation.
It is expected that an in-depth investigation is undertaken to determine the extent of the theoretical and practical issues involved in how Social Media may be

analysed through KM and innovation frameworks. Examples should be drawn from other research into well formulated networks currently available, i.e.; Facebook, Youtube,

Twitter, Google, Linkedin, NING, Writeboard, Storybird, etc. You should include how your case analysis enabled successful knowledge and innovation within the

organisation. This should also involve a consideration of developments in the field by providing insightful explanations of current and future potential social media

The report should provide an academic analysis by recalling the theories and approaches that are relevant to the topic. You may structure your report to include any

relevant tables and diagrams (these are particularly useful as a means of communicating to a reader)
The following learning outcomes are assessed through this assignment.
1 To critically discuss the nature and process of knowledge creation and transfer within organisations.  2 To critically evaluate how organisational and social

dynamics combine to engender innovation. 3 To analyze the application of concepts and theories related to new ‘social network’ technologies 4 To be able to present

theoretical and empirical evidence to address complex problems and practical situations in relation to knowledge management and innovation development
The individual report should reflect:
• Ability to identify diverse and high quality sources of information (a minimum of 40 references are required from different sources). These should include: academic

journals/ books/ trade publications, government and industry data, websites, etc. • Demonstration of clear understanding and synthesis of the available information in

order to gain an in-depth knowledge and critique of the topic(s). • Ability to discuss complex information clearly and concisely, and to construct coherent and logical

arguments. • Ability to present your findings in a professional and well structured report format, including effective use of figures, tables, appendices and

referencing (Harvard Style is required).
It is essential that your research should include novel, thoughtful analysis and the impact of KM on social networks and innovation through referencing and

incorporation of ideas from multiple sources.
In addition, the opportunity will be taken to enhance ‘employability’ criteria through attention to ‘presentation skills, ‘clarity of analysis’, ‘team support’,

‘entrepreneurship’, etc


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