Posted: April 24th, 2015



Paper details:
Outline will be in conjunction with term paper. Term paper due in one week and a half outline is due this week, my professor wants to critique outline.. Outline has to be one page and a half and paragraph form.
Can you tell me a local, federal, state, agency that has lost litigation within the past 2 years in an area concerning personal or official responsibility of employees, property rights, freedom of critical speech, right to privacy, affirmative action, equal protection?
Create an assessment of the litigants, the litigation, its history, and the court decision. Your paper should contain a history of the policy that was successfully challenged, a critique of the current policy, and your recommendations to address the issues raised in the litigation. A copy of the policy is to be attached to the term paper.
The term paper is to be 9-11 pages in length (excluding the cover page), double spaced.
You are to use 12 point Times New Roman font.
Your name and page number must appear on each page.
A one to two page outline of the term paper.
You must properly cite material.
It is the student responsibility to recognize the difference between statements that are common knowledge (which do not require documentation) and restatements of eh ideas of others. Paraphrase and summary are acceptable forms of restatement, as long as the source is cited. Direct quotations can only be used if, in addition to citing the source, the quoted material is placed within quotations marks or in blocked format in accordance with the appropriate style manual. All paraphrase, summaries, and quotations must be immediately followed by the appropriate citation and must be clearly distinguished from one’s creation.

Area of study this semester was on the law of Public Employment
Required Text: Yong S. Lee (A Reasonable Public Servant)

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