Posted: September 13th, 2017

Law; Brussels, 1579. Task:

Law; Brussels, 1579. Task:

Count Fevers visits your offices. You are a magister utriusque iuris, who has studied in Bologna and Grone. The count is in need of your advice. He has a problem with

Briudprandis, a deacon from the bishopric of Brussels.
Briudprandis has spotted a set of beautiful chalices in the private chapel of Count Fevers. As always, Briudprandis is short of cash, though he is by no means a poor

man. He therefore makes the Count a handsome offer; two of his best horses, superbly trained together to draw a carriage smoothly, in exchange for the chalices.

Briudprandis and the Count come to an agreement and the Count hands over the chalices to Deacon Briudprandis. The horses will be delivered two weeks later.
It is May 1979, and the deacon has still not handed over the horses. The Count now wants to take Briudprandis to court. He has no time to listen to what you have to

tell him, so he asks you to write a report and send this to him.


The Count wants to you to explain:
1. What is a magister utriusque iuris?  (in 200 words).
2. What kind of agreement has been concluded between him and Briudprandis. (in 200 words).
3. Whether he should take his complaint to the local ecclesiastical court or to the secular court, taking into consideration the applicable law at these courts. (in

300 words).

The Count also tells you, that Briudprandis claims that he would be happy to deliver the horses if only he still had them. However, they appear to have been

commandeered without recompense at the end of February for field duty in the Spanish army that is laying siege to the rebel town of Amsterdam. The Count also wants you

to address this problem. You phrase this legal question as follows:

4. Can Briudprandis claim that he is not bound to provide the Count with the two horses mentioned above due to the fact that the war effort has made it impossible to

actually hand over these horses. (in 300 words).


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