Posted: September 13th, 2017

Law-Enforcement Operations – Organizing The Police Department

Reserve police officers are defined differently in each state. In a (2) Page written document, using the Internet, research the training for the reserves in any US state, excluding North Carolina. Do they have to meet the same standards that the regular officers do?

Be sure to cite your outside sources as a part of this assignment. You are encouraged to reference the text as a guideline, however you are expected to use outside sources. Your font should be no greater than 12. You must attach this document with a cover sheet that includes your name and the name of the assignment to include the current date of submission. At the end of each assignment there must be a bibliography page. You are encouraged to use the APA style of writing. Google Diana Hacker’s website rules for writing if you have any questions about APA writing styles.

* Please make this paper sound like a College sophomore has wrote the paper. Do not over use “big” words, but then again do not make it

Thank you for your interest in our services. We can definitely help you with your homework. The price will depend though on the deadline, the quality level you prefer and other several factors. So we can help you with this!t sound like a high school student has wrote the paper.*


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