Posted: September 13th, 2017

Leadership in Action

Leadership in Action

Task: Choose one of the following options.
Option A
Students currently working in the Australian health system. This assignment is in three parts.
1.    Using the survey questions developed in the interactive session on the first day, students should have a discussion with no more than five people about the three most important factors they believe enhance effective leadership.?Note: The colleagues should be a mix of internal people with whom you work in your workplace, and external people, either in other workplaces in your organisation, the area office or in health-related fields in industry (eg the Department of Health, drug companies, health insurance companies). ?
2.    Briefly analyse and report your findings (no more than 200 words) to describe how you went about your discussion, and the three most frequently identified factors. (Ensure there is no identification of any persons or health care services) ?
3.    Drawing on recent literature, discuss three leadership factors and, based on your research findings from the set readings, other literature and lectures, synthesise your research findings and indicate whether these findings agree or disagree with the views of those with whom you had a discussion. Substantiate your position. ?
4.    From your analysis, identify an appropriate leadership style that incorporates the three leadership factors that were identified. ?
Option B
Students not currently working in the Australian health system. This assignment is in three parts:
1.    Using the survey questions developed in the interactive section on the first day, students should have a discussion with no more than five people who are currently working in the Australian health services (students, colleagues or associates) about the three most important factors they believe enhance effective leadership ?

2.    Briefly analyse and report your findings (no more than 200 words) to describe how you went about your discussion, and the three most frequently identified factors. (Ensure there is no identification of any persons or health care services) ?
3.    Drawing on recent literature, discuss three leadership factors and, based on your research findings from the set readings, other literature and lectures, synthesise your research findings and indicate whether these findings agree or disagree with the views of those with whom you had a discussion. Substantiate your position. ?
4.    From your analysis, identify an appropriate leadership style that incorporates the three leadership factors that were identified. ?
Note: Students are strongly advised to consult the Faculty Manual for guidance about assignment structuring and writing for all assignments.
Topic development
Students will be given time to discuss and develop their survey instrument in the interactive session on the first intensive day.
There are three components:
1- Survey Interviews with no more than 5 people.
2- Analysis of findings of the interviews to identify the three most frequently identified factors enhancing leadership in health care.
3- Synthesis of findings in relation to relevant literature and draw conclusions.
Criteria linkages:
10% Establishing appropriate leadership factors from interviews held
10% Level of analysis of leadership styles to inform argument
10% Quality of analysis and synthesis
10% Clarity and expression of argument
10% Strength of conclusions and use of research findings to refute interviewee comments
25% Quality of analysis and synthesis to determine and influence accountability
25% Degree of critical reflection to maintain professional standards through effective leadership
Important not

1- Referencing style
You must uses the Harvard (UTS) style for in-text referencing and production of a reference list. Please refer to
for guidance on this referencing style
2- Use the referencing above 2004

3- Introduction- A brief review of why it is important to investigate the topic, with reference to key literature.
Survey procedure-how the survey was conducted, who you contacted, etc.
Survey results-Analysis of what you found in the participants’ responses. (do not include individual responses, but rather a synthesis of results)
Discussion- how do your results relate to the relevant literature on the topic?
Conclusion-a brief review of main points from the discussion.


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