Posted: September 13th, 2017

leadership managment

leadership managment

This is an individual assessment examining an aspect of interpersonal behaviour. It is essential that the behaviour examined is located in an organisational context. This may be a real organisation, such as that where you are working part-time while studying, or fictional, for example, an organisational context featured in a TV programme or a movie with which you are familiar. You will apply appropriate theory (ies) from the Individual Skills that we have explored in Weeks 1-9 to analyse interactions between individuals, draw conclusions and make recommendations for improvement.
For example, you might want to explore the implications for leaders or managers and workers, of:
Individual differences
Learning and Development
Perception and Decision-making

Conflict handling
It is essential that your analysis is in-depth and you are required to examine issues of interpersonal behaviour in a given scenario. For example, you might examine interactions between two to five individuals. You will need to briefly describe the context and the scenario and the behaviours (it might be useful to quote exactly what was said) leading to the problem that you have observed. You will then apply the theory (ies) to the situation and analyse what was going on. Using the theory(ies) what might you recommend to improve the quality of interpersonal behaviour in the given situation?

Assignment 1                        30% weighting
This is an assessment examining an aspect of interpersonal behaviour. It is essential that the behaviour examined is located in an organisational context.  This may be a real organisation, such as that where you are working part-time while studying, or fictional, for example, an organisational context featured in a TV programme or a movie with which you are familiar. You will apply appropriate theory (ies) from the Individual Skills that we have explored in Weeks 1-9 to analyse interactions between individuals, draw conclusions and make recommendations for improvement.
For example, you might want to explore the implications for leaders or managers and workers, of:
Individual differences
Learning and Development
Perception and Decision-making
Conflict handling
It is essential that your analysis is in-depth and you are required to examine issues of interpersonal behaviour in a given scenario.  For example, you might examine interactions between two to five individuals. You will need to briefly describe the context and the scenario and the behaviours (it might be useful to quote exactly what was said) leading to the problem that you have observed. You will then apply the theory (ies) to the situation and analyse what was going on.  Using the theory(ies) what might you recommend to improve the quality of interpersonal behaviour in the given situation?

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