Posted: August 23rd, 2013

leading organisational change

1. Please write up to 2000 words. You may write up to an additional 200 words if you think it helps the main argument you are making across each of the five (5) requirements for case study 1;
2. Please quote from the following sources for module 1:- text book chapters 1 and 2, selected readings particularly readings 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 and additional readings provided on the study desk for case study 1. For module 2, please quote chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8 of Waddell, Cummings and Worley (your text), Di Pofi (2002) or reading 2.1, Stace&Dunphy (2001) and Burke and Litwin (1992). In otherwords, in addition to module 1 readings, you also need to refer to at least theseseven (7) readings listed in module 2although you can refer to others if you have time.Since case study 1 is addressing systems issues, please pay particular attention to Chapters 5 and 6 of your text Waddell, Cummings and Worley.
3. Please examine the papers I uploaded onto the study desk. There are six of these including:
a. Greiner (1972) ‘Evolution & Revolution as Organisations grow’
b. Tushman, Newman &Romanelli (1986), ‘Convergence & Upheaval: Managing the unsteady pace of organizational evolution’;
c. Tushman& O’Reilly (1996), ‘ Ambidextrous organizations’;
d. Gersick (1991), ‘Revolutionary change theories: A multilevel exploration of the punctuated equilibrium paradigm;
e. Brown &Eisenhardt (1997), The art of continuous change: Linking complexity theory & time-paced evolution in relentlessly shifting organisations’;
f. Murray &Donegan (2003), Empirical linkages between firm competencies & organisational learning
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