Posted: April 26th, 2015

Leading People and Organizations

Leading People and Organizations

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Task: Design a personal and professional leadership development plan that explains what you should do to become a better leader of people and organizations, given your leadership development needs, and the particular challenges faced by your organization and its people

Criteria    Marks

Plan Content

•    Identification of the key issues that are embedded in the wording of the task – providing definitions, assumptions and boundaries for the plan

•    Addressing the task by making use of relevant and recent readings

•    Acknowledgement of the multi-dimensional nature of effective leadership in organizations, and a balanced discussion of those dimensions

•    High post graduate level of material from relevant, classic, and recent organisational, management, and leadership literature studied in this course

•    Use of examples from workplace and business contexts and practices to support arguments

•    a comprehensive and insightful personal and professional profile

•    a concise overview of the particular needs of your organization and its people, to provide context for your diagnosis and action plan

•    a feasible and convincing action plan


Assignment Process

•    Clear demonstration of theoretical understanding of the task

•    Ability to critically analyse and synthesize relevant theory, concepts and constructs in the literature to construct a professional development plan

•    Comprehensiveness in presenting a coherent and consistent case

•    Clarity with which ideas/argument/evidence conveyed


Overall Assignment Presentation and Structure

•    Professional presentation inclusive of document layout

•    Correct spelling, grammar and syntax

•    Attention to detail/proof reading

•    Correct use of referencing citations and a reference list


Reference: Personal and professional development

Ibarra, H. 2015, “The authenticity paradox”, Harvard Business Review, January-February, 2015, pp53-59

Kim, W. and Mauborgne, 2003, ‘Tipping Point Leadership’ Harvard Business Review, April, pp60-69

Quinn, R. Faerman, S. Thompson, M. McGrath, M. St Clair, L. 2011, Becoming a Master Manager, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken NJ pp312-329, Integration and the road to mastery

Kouzes, B and Posner, J. 2007, The Leadership Challenge, 4th edition, Jossey-Bass

Any one from Below 3 Articles

1.    Spotlight: interview with Ellen Langer, 2014, “Mindfulness in the age of complexity”, Harvard Business Review, March, 2014, pp68-73

2.    David, S and Congleton, C 2013 “Emotional Agility” Harvard Business Review, November pp125-128

3.    Goleman, D. 2000, ‘Leadership that Gets Results’ Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp78-90

My Postings as below
Model the Way: Leaders clarify the values that will guide them. Leaders find their own voice so that they can distinctively and clearly articulate their values. By setting their own
personal standard of excellence as an example for others leaders earn the right and the respect to lead through their direct involvement and action.
A simple example of this would be how I managed to get my team members report to work on time. Although I had the required permission from the organization to report late to work for personal reasons, I observed that my team members followed suit. Repeated warnings and reminder of work ethics fell into deaf ears until i myself made the required changes to my schedule and started reporting to work on time. The results were astounding and the late comings are now history. This really goes to show that as a Leader one should always set the path for the team to follow rather than just setting a set of rules which can be comfortably ignored by the leader himself. I no more believe in delivering speeches about what has to be done, instead focus on practising what I preach. I try to get results from my team members by first setting an example of what needs to be done as opposed to just charting out a guideline.

Inspire a shared vision: Leaders breathe life into dreams and get others to see the exciting possibilities of those dreams. To inspire a shared vision means to stimulate, compel, cause others to want to come along with you and explore the endless possibilities. Inspired shared vision is an essential tool for leadership.
I strongly believe that leaders represent and own a group. In doing so they are equally responsible for gaining consensus on a common goal or shared vision. It is of vital importance that the leaders see the larger picture clearly before they seek a positive approval from their members. I have struggled a bit in the past in this area for not being able to align them to the strategy that my organization has and in the way we do things. According to Kouzes and Posner, “If you’re not excited about the possibilities, you can’t expect others to be…there’s no one more believable than a person with deep passion for something.” I need to incorporate more of the spoken about passion that an inspiring leader possesses. Be more passionate in sharing my vision, have the ability to inspire through vision and master the art of communicating a shared vision effectively.

Challenge the Process: Strong leaders look for innovative ways to grow or improve their organization. They defy the status quo.
Foxtel views innovation as key to staying abreast in the war of Paytv.As a leader i am in the constant lookout for implementing new ideas and finding better means for future improvement. I encourage my team to think outside the box and believe in their action of making something happen. I try to look everywhere for innovative ideas that will encourage change and most innovative ideas in my experience have come from outside the organization. Routines though essential for effective operation can get monotonous, stifle creativity and destroy the ability to compete. So i evaluate the routines that need to be preserved as compared to the ones that hamper creative planning. Though difficult to convince team members at times to deviate from the current comfortable routine and accept something different I take it as a challenge. I give them the opportunity to experiment, create prototypes and learn from mistakes. I give them the assurance that I am in it with them not just through the success but also through the inevitable failures of innovation.

Enable others to act: Leaders foster collaboration within the work environment by breaking down the walls that exist between one person and the next so that they can come together and work as a team. They make it possible for others to do good work. As a leader I make the people who work with me a part of the process by making them feel that their ideas are contributing to the value of what we are going to be creating in the new visionary environment. When my team is asked to participate in something versus being told to do something the level of enthusiasm they bring is so much greater. I strongly believe that teams create greater products than individuals. Collective efforts more often produce better outcomes than individual ones. This makes them believe that they have more control over the work environment and can see their individual contributions do matter. The reason why people take that extra step is because they feel they are empowered to make a difference. I feel it is essential that as a leader I am open to others viewpoints and expertise so that I can effectively broaden my own skills and abilities. However i need to work towards striking the right balance in when to push let go and when to support.

Encourage the Heart: Addresses the needs to uplift the spirit and sharing the rewards of efforts. Good leaders will recognize, celebrate and honour the contributions made by every team member. This practise includes recognizing the accomplishments of others by showing appreciation for individuals and celebrating their values and victories.
Giving praise, compliments, recognition doesn’t come naturally for me and I admit I do struggle in this area. I find it difficult to know when and how to deliver that recognition. This is one area that I am not too satisfied within my own career.

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