Posted: September 13th, 2017

Leading Transformation and Change

Leading Transformation and Change

Assessment Brief/ Task
The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
Write a cohesive case study that critically analyses a specific instance of organisational change/transformation management that you have experienced (*). Using appropriate academic sources to support your work, give emphasis to why the change was attempted, how the change process was managed, how the reality reflected in your storyline compares to relevant academic literature and how successful you think implementation was handled.
The case study MUST be structured as follows using the headings. (Italicised words are not part of the heading but are given by way of further information).
•    Title of case study (including the name of your chosen organisation)
•    Key theme (a list of up to six keywords in order to “frame” the change implications of your case study).
•    Introduction (to the theory of change)
•    Organisational background and stated need for change
•    Description of the change process
•    Roles and perspectives (of the key stakeholders pre and post change)
•    Evaluation/critical analysis of relevant academic literature (application of the theory to practice)
•    Conclusions (summary of what has worked well/not well/do differently next time)
•    Lessons Learnt: Personal and Organisational
•    References
•    Appendices (if relevant)
(*) If you feel you have not experienced such a change, then you must choose an organisation that has accessible information in relation to changes it has experienced and conduct extensive secondary research before developing your case study.
The following information is important when:
•    Preparing for your assessment
•    Checking your work before you submit it
•    Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
•    Description. Full address of why the change was attempted, the contextual environment, how the process was managed and differing behavioural and ethical perspectives.
•    Evaluation. A critical evaluation of relevant literature.
•    Analysis. Critical analysis of the change/transformation using theoretical frameworks, ideas and models.
•    Reflection.  A reflective assessment of the scenario from multiple viewpoints.
•    Presentation. A cohesive story line and balanced presentation that reflects an appropriate format and use of Harvard referencing system.


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