Posted: February 1st, 2014

Learning and Hopfield Networks

Assignment:    Learning and Hopfield Networks  
Among the prominent types of neural networks studied by cognitive scientists, Hopfield networks most closely model the high-degree of interconnectedness in neurons of the human cortex. The papers by McClellan et al. (1995) and Maurer (2005) discuss learning systems in the human brain-mind system and the role of Hopfield networks as models for actual human learning including sequence of items learned. This resonates with Chomsky’s emphasis on the role of syntax and word sequence in language learning.
  1. Write in Third Person Scholarly writing: No quotes from Authors. Let your voice be heard and not reporting lecture back to me. Academic critical writing only. • Please expand your discussion and highlight other important theorists and theories where needed. • Introduction, and conclusion SHOULD be comprehensive and to include more main ideas and thoughts. Use transitional phrases to link one paragraph to the other. Please follow all instructions carefully and religiously. No assumptions. If you need any clarification on anything please let me know. Please note preferred plagiarism checker to check final writing is TURNITIN software not to be more than 8% plagiarized. Develop all arguments elaborately please.
  2. Include four scholarly resources with appropriate references and in-text citations which must include Gredler, M. E. (2009). Learning and instruction (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-159123-3.
  3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required.
  4.  Write a paper of 1,250 words in which you Argue for or against the notion that Hopfield networks not only share characteristics of learning in the brain-mind system but also that they are useful analytic tools.

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