Posted: September 13th, 2017

Legal Busniess

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Over the course of the semester, complete a Research Paper comparing & contrasting the five main topics from the course syllabus with Saudi law.

1. Cover Page–with ALL course essentials listed in the student Semester Schedule received from the PMU Registrar

2. Table of Contents–with ALL five main sections as listed below. (For specifics, refer to course syllabus.)
A. The legal business environment
B. Torts and crimes
C. Contracts and e-contracts
D. Business organizations
E. International law in a global economy

3. Contents are to be no more than 20 double-spaced pages, using the following format for page #s: Page 1 of 20.

4. Include Footnotes and Bibliography

5. Enter the data in the top of this sheet; print the sheet; and staple this sheet to the Cover Page of your Research Paper

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