Posted: September 16th, 2017

Lesson Plan and instruction for teaching writing

Lesson Plan and instruction for teaching writing

A.  Design an original lesson plan (using the attached “Lesson Plan Format”) that teaches students how to use the process approach to writing in order to write an expository paragraph. Include the following in the lesson plan:
1.  Appropriate step-by-step writing instructions to help students learn the process approach to writing
2.  An original example of an expository paragraph
3.  A description of a writing activity within the lesson that is based on the “National Writing Project” information found on the web link (see below)
a.  Explain (suggested length of 3–4 paragraphs) why you have selected the activity.
b.  Explain (suggested length of 1 page) how the activity fits into one of the steps of the process approach to writing.

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