Posted: September 13th, 2017

Lesson plan and rationale, using literature to teach language.

Lesson plan and rationale, using literature to teach language.

Order Description

+The task:
Design a lesson plan which could be used with a level and type of class you are teaching or have taught. The lesson must use some type of literature as material. You must also design a lesson rationale showing why the piece has been chosen for this particular class and explaining and justifying the choices in the lesson i.e. why this piece of literature uses in the way it was was. The rationale must be supported by reading. The lesson plan itself is not included in the word count.

( I will upload the plan template file later)

++Class type and level:
Monolingual class of Arabic speaking students in intermediate level.

+++The plan must achieve the following:
1- Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of literary language, the historical use of literature in EFL/ESL and pedagogical options in relation to using literature for teaching language.
2- Apply the above knowledge to the critical analysis of materials which use literature to teach language.
3- Apply the above knowledge to creating and justifying materials and classes which use literature to teach language.

++++Reference list:
Bolitho, R., Carter, R., Hughes, R., Ivanic, R, Matsuhara, H., & Tomlinson, B. 2003. Ten questions about language awareness. ELT Journal 57/3, 251-259.

Britlit – resources for using literature in language teaching

Brumfit, C.J. and Carter, R. (Eds.) 1986. Literature and Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Carter, R. 2004. Language and creativity: The art of common talk. London: Routledge.

Carter, R., & McRae, J (Eds.) 1996. Language, Literature and The Learner. Harlow: Longman.

Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1987. Literature in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chan, P.K.W. 1999. Literature, Language awareness and EFL. Language Awareness 8(1), 38-50.

Gilroy, M and Parkinson, B. 1997. Teaching literature in a foreign language. Language Teaching 29, 2-3-225.

Hall, G. 2005. Literature in Language Education. London: Palgrave.

Lewis, M.1993.The Lexical Approach. Hove: language Teaching Publications

McRae, J. 1991.Literature with a small ‘l’. London: Macmillan.

McRae, J., & Vethamani,M. 1999. Now Read On. London: Routledge.

Maley, A. 1999. Short and Sweet: Short texts and how to use them Harmondsworth: Penguin

Maley, A. and Duff, A. 1990. Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Paran, A. 2006. Literature in Teaching and Learning Case Studies in TESOL Practice . Alexandria, Va, TESOL.

Parkinson, B. 2000. Teaching Literature in a Second Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Schmidt, R.W. 1990. The Role of Consciousness in Second Language Learning.

Applied Linguistics Vol.11, no.2:129-158.

The Common European Framework of References for Languages. 2010.
Online. Available at

Watson, G. and Zyngier, S. (eds) 2006. Literature and Stylistics for Language Learners: Theory and

Practice Basingstoke: Macmillan/Palgrave.

Webb, C. (2013). Language Through Literature – Teaching ESL Vol II (Language Through Literature – ESL).Amazon. Com (E-book).

Language and Literature – Sage
Language Awareness – Taylor and Francis

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