Posted: September 17th, 2015

Letter-to-the-Editor Evaluation



You should start reading the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal(Just go to wall street journal main page, you will see tabs on the top, there is a tab shows opinion). Read both opinion articles and letters to the editor. Most of these opinion pieces contain examples of critical analysis although a few of the letters are anecdotal and description writing.

Select five letters that provide critical analysis of an economic issue and analyze the content of their arguments. These letters will refer to a previous article in the Wall Street Journal and you also will want to look at the reference piece as well. For each letter, complete the Letter-to-the-Editor evaluation form(which is the seven questions below)


You need to answer 7 questions in each essay. The questions are shown below.
1) Did you read this in the online or print edition of the Wall Street Journal?

2) What date was the letter published?

3) Give the full name of the author:

4) What economic issue was discussed?

5) What position did the author take on the economic issue?

6) What evidence did the author use to support this position?

7) Did the letter cause you to alter your opinion about the issue? Why?

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