Posted: September 13th, 2017

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra,

Assignment # 1 Dr. Michael Chang
You an? aerated to spend at least 5- J 0 fans mix/913W. Tum m 65 19am! (no); prof-rad
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Objectives: The purpose of this assignment is to help you conduct a personal cultural analysis
and uncover the cultural conditioning from childhood culture/ micro-culture that is at once
“invisible yet pervasive” in your daily life. Please copy the sub-headings below to identify the
three parts of your personal cultural analysis.
Part One: Identification of Culture (one short paragraph): The first task is identification of
your childhood culture/ micro-culture. For some people, personal cultural background will
seem very obvious, for others it will require thoughtful effort to identify and describe.
Regardless, everyone has a childhood culture/ micro-culture that acts as a pervasive default
program about oneself and the world.
One may also find that fuller expression of childhood cultural background requires more than
one social category. Many peOple find it useful to choose afewsocial categories to express
their cultural background such as nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, socioeconomic class, native/ immigrant status, neighborhood, abilities/ disabilities,
etc. Using myself as an example, the italicized social categories in the following sentence can
explain culturally a lot about me: “I grew up in a midde dass, C bn’stian C binge family in British
Horg Kong, and at 18 became an Mfr/Ingram to America.
Part Two: Analysis of cultural identity, values, and communication (two pages): Analyze how
your childhood culture/ micro-culture has impacted you in terms of self-identity, values,
communication assumptions, styles, and behaviors.
Part Three: Analysis of lower affinity cultural g‘oups and impact (two pages):
Identify two groups in America often regarded as “ lower affinity” from the perspective of
your culture/ micro-culture. Write one page for each lower affinity group. Groups may be
regarded as “low affinity” if regarded as emotionally distant from your group. Very often
there are negative perceptions and prejudices, but minimally there is anxiety and lack of
understanding, trust, or desire to engage socially. The most common lower affinity groups in
America are based on differences such as race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic
class, immigration status. Reflect and discuss what kinds of messages, verbal and non-verbal,
explicit or subtle, that you have heard expressed about each of these two lower affinity groups.
Note: The third part is more challenging as it requires more honest reflection and candor.

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