Posted: September 16th, 2017

liquefied petroleum gas

liquefied petroleum gas

1. History of development of the vessel type and their sizes and, specific cargo trade or its main operations
2. Trade routes or operational areas including the trade/operations in the greater Gulf region
3. Vessel layout, including structural features unique to its type and operations. Also, give the general particulars of a real vessel.
4. Types of propulsion and other machinery found on board and the equipment and gear used on these vessel
5. Brief outline of international and local rules, regulations and standards governing the vessel design and its operations
6. Past accidents on these types of vessels (due to non-navigational errors), their causes and solutions and recommendations
7. Safety precautions involved with the carriage of cargo or the vessel’s main operations
8. Average crew complement and specific duties and responsibilities of each person
9. Duties and responsibilities of a junior deck officer on such vessels
10. Bibliography

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