Posted: July 26th, 2016

List the possible ethical issues, such as consideration of characteristics of your sample, type of data collection, potential for bias, and so forth.

Write a 500- to 750-word summary of the ethical issues that affect your selected research question and methodology, including the following:

Research Topic: “Self Esteem with Younger Adults in a Negative Social Environment

Write a brief statement of the research question.
List the possible ethical issues, such as consideration of characteristics of your sample, type of data collection, potential for bias, and so forth.
Identify and cite the APA ethical standard concerning the issue.
Respond to each issue, specifying how you, the researcher, will minimize or eliminate it.
Format your research proposal consistent with APA guidelines
· Self Esteem with Younger Adults in a Negative Social Environment
Appropriate use of APA formatting and style, scholarly writing, and synthesis of personal voice into the literature – in other words, learners are expected to create an informed statement, not a personal opinion, regarding the subject.

It is highly recommended that students review the grading rubric and use it as a tool for completing this assignment.

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