Posted: September 16th, 2017

Listen to podcast 8. Aberdeen Three and follow along with the Powerpoint slides in Resources/Powerpoint slides (Mod 4.3 Case Presentation.ppt). This is a sample presentation. You will be recording one of your own based on a different case.

Listen to podcast 8. Aberdeen Three and follow along with the Powerpoint slides in Resources/Powerpoint slides (Mod 4.3 Case Presentation.ppt). This is a sample presentation. You will be recording one of your own based on a different case.

After listening to the Aberdeen Three, go to for the list of cases to choose from. (Ignore what it says about teams of two students; all of your presentations will be individual no matter which case you choose.) Once you choose a case from the list, you need to reserve it by using the sign in sheet on my office door, Brown 315. No more than two students can do the same case.

Your “presentation” will consist of a Powerpoint file and audio. You’ll need some way to record the audio, such as Audacity (see Resources/Software). As a last resort, you could also use your cell phone and Yodio ( Record your case so that I can follow along with your Powerpoint slides. Save both the Powerpoint file and the audio file in the Vspace Dropbox.

Due by Noon, Wednesday, June 10.

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