Posted: September 16th, 2017

Literary Analysis- Paul Goodman A Proposal to Abolish Grading

You may select any essay in Current Issues. (please note, there are some works of fiction in the textbook – do not use one of these works for the analysis).You will need to carefully read the selected work, taking time to highlight and annotate the reading. For this assignment you may only use the essay from the textbook – no outside sources may be used EXCEPT to create an introduction and/or conclusion for the analysis.

Your analysis will focus on the author’s target audience and his/her use of appeals (logical, ethical and emotional) in the essay. You may address/analyze other elements as long as you can relate them to audience and appeals. In-text documentation and a works cited page are required. No more than 10% of the paper may be direct quotes.

Length: 800 words MINIMUM. Have at least three body paragraphs (preferably more) and at least one short direct quote per body paragraph.

Format:Correct MLA format, including a works cited page and parenthetical documentation for the quotes used.The entry on the works cited page will use the format for chapter or essay in an anthology.

Other:This paper is written to an audience familiar with the work.The thesis needs to clearly indicate the title of the work, author and main focus of the analysis.The paper needs to be written in present verb tense and use third person.

In the critical essay take time to examine and explain:
The author’s intended audience.Who did the author originally write this essay for?What does the author do in the essay to indicate the intended audience?Could the essay have been written for more than one intended audience?
The author’s use of logical, ethical and emotional appeals.Examine the way the author writes the essay.Which appeals is the author using? What impact will these appeals have on the target audience?Are the various appeals effective in convincing the target audience?Why or why not?
Make notes covering what you have read.You may find it helpful to summarize the essay in order to gain a better understanding of what you have read.After you have completed the rough draft of your paper you should reread the essay.Ask yourself what you could do to improve your paper and fully explain the essay you have just read.

Use specific examples from the work to support your analysis/interpretation.You may consider your interpretation valid as long as you find supportive evidence for your ideas.However, it is also important that you keep your supportive quotes short.The quotes are used to provide support for your paper, not pad the paper’s length.Document all quotes used from the work.A works cited page is required.

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