Posted: February 17th, 2013

literature:William Hogarth’s Marriage A-la Mode

Paper instructions:i
For the final essay, you have the choice to answer one of two questions. You may choose either:

1) This essay uses the thoughts you began in journal entry #3. Take William Hogarth’s Marriage A-la Mode, and articulate the social problems he was looking to address. Can any of these be compared with social problems still in evidence today? Explain how these or other social problems are looked at in the media today, either satirically or dramatically. If you have ideas as to how a new satire might be made of them, feel free to include that as part of your essay. Make sure to organize your thoughts with a clear thesis statement, and make sure that you have a minimum of 3 body paragraphs.Take a look at the Essay Tutorial for further assistence with this.

Remember it’s most important to cohere your thoughts under a central thesis. Be sure you know why you are writing about the issue you are writing about. 


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