Posted: September 13th, 2017

Local Planning Authority

Local Planning Authority

Answer all three questions, including the completed grid below in your response
On the basis of TRP217 Workshop Statistics discuss
how the pattern of recent pattern of residential development within 10kms of a particular unit postcode compares with that typical of the country as a whole. Ensure that your answer has regard to key concerns of planning 2000-2010 including the role of brownfield land recycling and control of development density in securing efficient use of the land resource
the viability of residential development and the need for affordable housing ain that area
the significance of and mix of uses in employment estates in that area
the nature of the retail offer in the locality
[Indicative Word Limit 750 words]
Taking one Local Planning Authority whose jurisdiction extends into the area within 10km of the postcode at 1 above
a) Explain the scale of additional dwelling units that the LPA intend to accommodate over the next ten years, and the manner in which they attend to accommodate them, and
b) Consider how appropriate this might be
[Indicative Word Limit 750 words]
Consider current or emerging proposals of the LPA named at 2 for residential development and one aspect of non-residential development. How would you suggest such policy might be taken forward to ensure that development was i) economically viable ii) broadly consistent with the LPAs goals and broadly consistent with NPPF
[Indicative Word Limit 750 words]


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