Posted: February 5th, 2017

Locate a restaurant that effectively motivates frontline, guest-service employees and describe/discuss/evaluate what they do and why it is motivational.

Research project

Prepare a three to four page research project on one of the options listed below. The research paper should be typed, double spaced, with grammatically correct sentences, accurate spelling and include the following:

Introduction (explanation of topic, name of restaurant, names of people you interviewed)

Option #1: Locate a restaurant that effectively motivates frontline, guest-service employees and describe/discuss/evaluate what they do and why it is motivational.

Option #2: Contact a restaurant company and inquire about its employee selection process and procedures. How does the restaurant company determine which recruits are likely to succeed as employees? What selection devices, if any, do they use? How well are the organization’s predictors of employee success working?

Option #3: Observe a service failure in a restaurant company or your place of employment. Put together a proposal of what steps need to be taken to improve the process. Who will you include in your presentation, how will you get their support and how will you measure if improvements have been made based on your proposed steps?

Option #4: Collect comment cards from several restaurant chains and compare the differences and similarities. Interview the managers whose organizations make the cards available to guests and ask how the managers use the results.

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