Posted: September 13th, 2017

Machine Tool Technology

Machine Tool Technology

lajor diameters rounded to 3 places (.000).;
1 . M35 x .6 major dia. Determine ..M.. 1
2. M27 x 3 tap driii (61% full thread) dimension for the

3. M14 x 2 tap driii (full thread) ,‘;°r’]’C‘y”Q’€‘3′;/9

1. M8x1.25 major dia. Combinations;

5. 5/8-11 tap driil (fuii thread)

3, 4-40 tap drill size (full thread) 21 _ 1/2 a shaft, 1/16 key

7_ M7 x 1 tap driii (fut: thread) 22_ 9/16 :3 shaft, 3/32 key
3_ M8 x 1.25 tap drill (63% full thread) 19mm g Shaft, 3mm key
9. M12x1.75 tap drill (full thread) 24_ 22mm Q shaft, 6mm key
1 O. 0-80 major 6118- « 25, 3/413 shaft, 1/4 key

1 1 _ M8 x 1.25 tap drill (full thread) 25_ 2omm 0 ekert, emm key
12, 1/2 -13 tap drill (63% full thread) 27_ 3/4 a shaft, 3/16 key

1 3-48 major dia.) 25mm 9 shaft, 4mm key
14. M24 x 2 tap drill (55% thread) 29_ 1-1/2 Q shaft, 3/s key
15. 12-28 maior dia. 30, 25mm e shaft, 6mm key
16. M3 x .5 tap drill (full thread) 31 _ 2 re ekert, 1/2 key

17. 3/4 -10 tap drill (63% full thread) 32_ 3,4- g eherr, 5mm key

1 8. 10-32 major dig‘ 33, 4omm Q shaft, 1/2″ key
1 M7 X 1 major dia. 1 5″ g Shaft’ 1/2″ key
20. M14x2majordia. 1
Standard Shaft and Key Relationships
0 $4 [2 5/” a‘ i I

sq. key
I /2%

‘[::’i “M” dimension
i ii
1″ dia. 2%
shaft em
M”=1/2(S- /(S2-K2)
(SE2?) (Wat)

Determine “M” dimensions for these shaft keyways with their
accompanying square keys.
1/8″ key 3/16″ key 3/16″ key 1/4″ key 5/15″key
1/S’2f:a%ia’ 3é4i§;‘.3€a‘ 7§;a.‘}’tia‘ 1-1/8″ dia- 1-1/4″ dia.
Shaft shaft
M” dimensions to the nearest 3 Biace decimai(thousandths)

Tap driii eizee determined by the Pitch subtracted trern
the Meier Die. creates what is of a fuii thread.
The heiee eredueed by driiiefer a pertieuiar tap previde
Specs. caning fer a certain percentage at a fuli thread are
Fer exampie: A part drawing eaiis fer
tapped hoie with 65% of e fuii thread. Solution:
(1.75) X §65/772%: ’i.4773mm,/then, 12mm ~ 1.477mm
The same procedure appiiee fer inch series tapped hoies.
Exampie: A 77% fuii thread, 5X16-18 tapped heie requires
a .257in. die. mama. (Major die.) – (Pitch), .3125 – ms.
>55 7133 1
Sin ==/H, s d
Ho395“ Y – n ica e + or – va ues 0 e neéres
r x T if
1 ‘W’ ‘ #4 ><.= Y=
‘W’ 1-5ooQB:0.!:t“CtVéi#C,LE.


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