Posted: September 18th, 2017

Macroeconomic Theory

(1) As to the format of the essay: Add the title along with your name in the first page, use sections (and subsections if needed) or headings to structure the content of the paper. Also add the page number.
(2) Theoretically grounded. The topic/question must be clearly addressed and your arguments should be based on (1) the theories, hypotheses and information covered in the course as well as on (2) your own research on it all.
(3) Whenever required and possible, your analysis should be supported by evidence/data.
(4) Fully referenced. A survey of a wide range of material (not just the textbooks!) will result in a much better essay. It is very important to quote and/or cite properly the authors and references you are using to develop your arguments. You can either add a footnote with the name of the author(s) and the full details of his/her work or a detailed reference list at the end of the essay.

If a quote use inverted commas always! So “ …” (Castaneda, 2015, p. xx). And then add full details on the reference at the end of the essay (Reference list or bibliography)
(5) A critical evaluation of contents/references and not just a mere description.

Why central banks implemented quantitative easing (QE) to tackle the Global Financial Crisis?
1. Explain what QE operations consist of. Use the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve of the US as case-studies
2. Expected effects of the QE operations on the economy, in the short and in the long term

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