Posted: February 19th, 2015

Making a complex claim

Making a complex claim

In this assignment, you will find a real-world equivalent of the Panopticon, a disciplinary system that controls a person’s behavior, and make a complex claim arguing how and why it is a fitting comparison by incorporating evidence from Foucaults “Panopticism” for support. The purpose of this assignment is to create a strong argument about how and why something like Red Square, your workplace or even a parent’s online access to your grades(try not to use these examples) uses disciplinary mechanisms, and then support your claim with relevant evidence.
A starting point: Thinking about when and where you feel like you may be watched and ask yourself why. Does it affect your behavior? How, when and where are you measured against the “norm”? Who has information about you? How did that person/institution get it? Does this “fix” you? If so, you might be on your way to developing a claim.
Be creative in your thinking. While there are many godd examples of buildings or places that resemble the Panopticon, dont be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to mechanisms of discipline. Technology has also changed how we see and are seen by people. Most phones, computers, and tablets come with a camera these days and most stores use security cameras.
An outstanding paper will…
(1) Formulate a strong, complex claim regarding the modern equivalent of the Panopticon.
(2) Articulate clear stakes, especially in the conclusion of the paper.
(3) Incorporate supportive evidence from “Panopticism” that demonstrate an understanding of the text. One citation must come from the second section of “Panopticism” about discipline.
(4) Provide analysis/critique that goes beyond just description(the what) to consider how and why.


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