Posted: November 16th, 2014

Making Movie

Instructions: Read the textbook Making Movies by Sidney Lumet. Watch one of following Sidney Lumet films listed here: Dog Day Afternoon, Network, Running on Empty or

Before the Devil Knows You?re Dead. Write a brief essay using at least 2-3 insights, observations and/or points from the textbook and apply them to the movie you have

We?re not looking for direct correlations from the book to the movie( in which the author speaks directly to a specific point about a specific movie) but, rather, your

creative thoughts on how some of the experiences of filmmaking in the book may have been practiced in the making of the film. Instead of facts, we?re looking for your

analysis and opinions.

Enforced guidelines:
–You are required to notate the page in the book from which you?re referring to in a simple parenthetical in the text.
–You are required to notate the time in the movie of the scenes you refer to (i.e. 20:00 or 20mins, etc)
–Do not write extensively about the plot of the film. The purpose of the paper is not to describe the story in the film, but to demonstrate your understanding of the

book and to share your ideas on how the process and experiences of the author may relate to your chosen film. Excessive plot description will result in the lowering of

your score.
–This is not a research paper. Material about the film you may find in other books or on the Internet may be interesting but will ultimately be inappropriate for the

purposes of this assignment and will lower your score.


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