Posted: September 13th, 2017

Manage Payroll (4 Assessment Tasks)

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



These tasks are need to be done by MYOB (An Accounting Software), Microsoft Word and Excel. Read the word document (Instruction.docx) for more info.

Manage Payroll (4 Assessment Tasks)

There are 4 Assessment Tasks in the PDF file (Learner’s Guide_BSBFIM502A Manage Payroll.pdf) attached.

Assessment Task-1 page-13, Assessment Task-2 page-16, Assessment Task-3 page-19, Assessment Task-4 page-23.

These tasks are need to be done by MYOB (An Accounting Software), Microsoft Word and Excel.

Detail information will be found in the PDF file (Learner’s Guide_BSBFIM502A Manage Payroll.pdf) attached.

Assessment Task 1- Setup a Payroll Structure.

         Submission Guidelines




  • Word processed Payroll Management guide in hard and electronic copies
  • Copies of legislations, guidelines or other reference documents
  • Print out of employee card
  • A copy of MYOB file


Assessment Task 2- Prepare and Process Payroll.

         Submission Guidelines




  • Print outs of ALL the salary slips for the year for each of the employee
  • A copy of MYOB file
  • Printed copies of PAYG summaries
  • Calculation of company’s FTB tax obligation and other calculation sheets used (Excel)


Assessment Task 3- Examination.

         Submission Guidelines




  • Completed exam paper

Assessment Task 4- Portfolio.

To do this, go to page-8 in the PDF file (Learner’s Guide_BSBFIM502A Manage Payroll.pdf). You will see a table. Look into the column called Activities. Do first two activities from Lesson 1-2 and 1st, 3rd and 4th activities from Lesson 3-4. The names of the activities, need to be done, given below (for less confusion):

  1. a) Complete a sample tax file number declaration form for yourself: Retain for record
  2. b) Review a sample payslip – compare with your payslip from work
  3. c) Research and gather information on the legal requirements for salary packaging and salary sacrificing
  4. d) Discussion: Novated lease for salary packaging
  5. e) Research and gather information on the legal requirements for payroll tax for organisations



       Submission Guidelines




  • Complete portfolio




You can make the Assessment Tasks answers short (use less word) where possible or necessary, but everything needs to be covered. So organize first, in which part you will use how many words.

I need Assessment Task 1, 2, 3 and 4 done properly. If there is any problem inform me.

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