Posted: August 31st, 2015

Management Control System of Commonwealth Bank, Australia

Course Name: Management Control Systems
Topic: Management Control Systems of Commonwealth Bank, Australia

Task 1:
Research Commonwealth Bank and academic publications on Management Control Systems, and provide the title and internet link of information sources. (See Sources of Information file). Provide the title and internet link of all the sources of information used in this assignment in a separate word document.

Task 2: (300 Words)
1) The mission statement/vision of the organization, core values, strategies (historic and/or current), goals, and objectives.
2) The corporate governance structure and regulatory environment that they operate in.

Task 3: (300 Words)
5) Financial Statement Analysis
(Includes ratio analysis using annual reports. Calculate ratios of liquidity, solvency, profitability and stock market ratios. See the document titled ” Financial Statement Analysis Chapter_13″. Calculate ratios for the year 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Compare the ratios over the time.)

Task 4: (200 Words)
5) SWOT Analysis
(Strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of Commonwealth Bank.)

Task 5: (600 Words)
Personnel & Cultural Controls / Control System Tightness
a) Strategic level
b) Operational level
(See document titled Lecture 3, Lecture 6, Lecture 1, Book Chapter 3, Book Chapter 6 and Book Chapter 1 for guidelines).

Task 6: (600 Words)
Personnel and Cultural Controls:
Recommendations for an effective management control package for personnel and cultural controls.
(See document titled Lecture 3, Lecture 6, Lecture 1, Book Chapter 3, Book Chapter 6 and Book Chapter 1 for guidelines).

Task 6: (200 Words)

Use Harvard referencing style.
Do not write conclusion.
Strictly maintain the word limit of each task.
The assignment will be submitted to “Turnitin”. Maximum similarity should be 15%.
Please Provide the title and internet link of all the sources of information used in this assignment in a separate word document.

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