Posted: September 10th, 2016

Your manager has asked you to investigate the Internet marketing strategies used by the company s major competitors. Use the library, the Internet, and any other resources to research competitors

Your manager has asked you to investigate the Internet marketing strategies used by the company s major competitors. Use the library, the Internet, and any other resources to research competitors and prepare a presentation. Here are the questions to address for each of the companies you selected. Answer each question for at least 3 companies you find: What market segments seem to be targeted by the company? What are the most important customer benefits stressed? How does the company attempt to connect (develop a relationship) with its customers? What is the company s chief strategic advantage over its competitors? What features should your company build into its Web site that would rival the competitor s site? Your assignment should consist of 8 12 PowerPoint slides with 250 words of speaker notes per slide.

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