Posted: September 18th, 2017

Managerial Communications

Managerial Communications MBA501 Writing Techniques – Unit Six: Sentence Combining Learning Objective: Examine strategies for developing effective communication To enhance writing, business communicators create a wide variety of sentence patterns within one business composition. By adding diversity to sentence types and patterns, writers communicate more effectively, provide a greater interest in what they are communicating, and contribute significantly to the company or organization for which they work. EXAMPLE: William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition’s departure. Captain Lewis more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank. Combined: Although William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition’s departure, Captain Lewis more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank. Directions: Using subordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, modifiers, and parallel structure, combine each set of sentences into one. 1. Hartford was once known as an industrial center. It was the home of several manufacturers. They made firearms, typewriters, bicycles, and even cars. 2. Today, great wealth abounds in Hartford. The wealth is centered in the insurance industry. However, few manufacturing jobs are still available. 3. Mark Twain is the author of Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn is a classic American novel. Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel L. Clemens. He lived in Hartford for several years. 4. Mark Twain’s home has a large side porch. Windows and a balcony overlook the porch. Today, people say the windows and balcony remind them of a steamboat. In his youth, Twain piloted steamboats on the Mississippi. 5. Tiger Woods is the name of a young American golfer. He set a record in the 1997 Master’s Tournament. He surprised all the veterans. He was 22 at the time.

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