Posted: September 13th, 2017

Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics

Order Description

The Portfolio consists of two Tasks, which are divided as follows:

• Task One – an essay that is weighted at 40% of the overall grade for the Portfolio
• Task Two – a report that is weighted at 60% of the overall grade for the Portfolio (use sub headings)

The details of the two Tasks are available on the separate task sheets that i will upload.

LO1    Discuss a range of theoretical perspectives regarding the economics of managerial decision-making
LO2    Assess the influence of market structure on organisational behaviour and performance
Assessment types    Weightings (%)
100    ?
Assessment type, weighting and LOs tested by this assessment indicated in the shaded area above by a ?
Important requirements
Mode of Working:              Individual
Presentation Format:             Portfolio
Method of Submission:     Paper Submission to MX Student Centre and
e-submission via module WOLF topic

Mark required to pass this coursework:     40%

Hand in date & time    14.00 on 26th January 2015
Date & method by which you will receive feedback
A feedback sheet will be available in within 20 working days of the submission date.

Resit/retrieval date    July 2014
Assessment     No more than: 3000 words.

Do clearly state your student number when submitting work but do not indicate your name.
Always keep a copy of your work.
Always keep a file of working papers (containing, for instance, working notes, copied journal article and early drafts of your work, etc.) that show the development of your work and the sources you have used. You may need to show this to tutor at some point so notes should be clear and written in English. This is an important requirement. There may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is so you may be asked to submit your file within 3 working days and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission.

Explanation of submission requirements and further guidance

•    Assessments are subject to a word limit to ensure consistency of approach across all modules. Your work should not exceed the limit indicated (excluding references and appendices). Do not feel that you have to “achieve” this word count in your work.  What is important is that the work satisfies the stated learning outcomes which are articulated through the assessment criteria (see following page).
•    Care is taken to ensure that work has been marked correctly. Checks are conducted by both a second lecturer and an independent expert from outside the University on batches of work.
•    Your work will not be returned to you but you will receive detailed feedback explaining how your mark has been arrived at and how your work could have been improved upon.
•    Always use the Harvard style referencing system. The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a series of guides covering a range of topics to support your studies and develop your academic skills including a guide to Harvard referencing
•    Expensive or elaborate bindings and covers for submissions are not required in most instances. (Refer to guidelines however in the case of dissertations).
•    The Business School has a policy of anonymous marking of individual assessments which applies to most modules.  You should not identify yourself directly in the work you submit and you may need to use phrases such as “the author of this assignment ….” in the detail of your submission.
Avoid academic misconduct
Warning: Collusion, plagiarism and cheating are very serious offences that can result in a student being expelled from the University.  The Business School has a policy of actively identifying students who engage in academic misconduct of this nature and routinely applying detection techniques including the use of sophisticated software packages.
•    Avoid Collusion. The Business School encourages group working, however to avoid collusion always work on your own when completing individual assessments.  Do not let fellow students have access to your work at any stage and do not be tempted to access the work of others.  Refer to your module tutor if you do not understand or you need further guidance.
•    Avoid Plagiarism. You must use available and relevant literature to demonstrate your knowledge of a subject, however to avoid plagiarism you must take great care to acknowledge it properly. Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own.  This includes incorporating either unattributed direct quotation(s) or substantial paraphrasing from the work of another/others.  For this reason it is important that you cite all the sources whose work you have drawn on and reference them fully in accordance with the Harvard referencing standard. (This includes citing any work that you may have submitted yourself previously).   Extensive direct quotations in assessed work is ill advised because it represents a poor writing style, and it could lead to omission errors and a plagiarism offence could be committed accidentally.
•    Avoid the temptation to “commission” work or to cheat in other ways. There are temptations on the internet for you to take “short cuts”. Do not be tempted to either commission work to be completed on your behalf or search for completed past academic work.
When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration that the submission is your own work, any material you have used has been acknowledged and referenced, you have not allowed another student to have access to your work, the work has not been submitted previously, etc.

Assessment Brief/Task
The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
The Portfolio consists of two Tasks, which are divided as follows:
•    Task One – an essay that is weighted at 40% of the overall grade for the Portfolio
•    Task Two – a report that is weighted at 60% of the overall grade for the Portfolio
The details of the two Tasks are available on the separate task sheets that are available on the module WOLF topic.
There will be the opportunity to discuss your progress with the Tasks during the Workshop sessions during the course of the module. Assignment Surgeries will be held in the Revision Week to provide support in the completion of the Portfolio.
The Portfolio should be submitted as a single document that contains both Tasks. There is no need for an overall introduction or an overall conclusion. A bibliography must be provided for each of the Tasks.
You will be required to submit two copies of your Portfolio, a hard-copy and an electronic copy. If you do not provide BOTH copies by the deadline it will mean that you have failed to comply with the submission requirements and you will FAIL the assignment. The details of submission requirements are shown on page one of this briefing. Your feedback for the assignment will provided electronically via the module WOLF topic.
The following information is important when:

•    Preparing for your assessment
•    Checking your work before you submit it
•    Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.

Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked are tailored to each of the two tasks and are detailed on the separate task sheets available on the module WOLF topic.

Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Indicator    %    Work will often demonstrate some of the following features
1    90-100
An outstanding demonstration of linked understanding and application of relevant theory, concepts and models. Clear and well-structured with a high level of analysis. Critical use of independently sourced contextual material and a full response to the assignment brief, demonstrating independent thinking and study. Virtually no errors in referencing or grammar and syntax.
1    80-89    Very full, independent response to the assignment brief with totally relevant material which is well beyond any module input, clearly demonstrating independent study.  Excellent understanding and application of relevant theory, concepts and models. Content is presented in a very clear and logical structure. Very few errors in referencing or grammar and syntax.
1    70-79    Full response to the assignment brief with all content relevant and focussed. Very good understanding of the relevant theory, concepts and models, supported by reading from sources beyond the texts identified during the module. Application of appropriate theory to examples/practice, demonstrating a rigorous approach to a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks. A few errors in referencing or grammar and syntax
2:1    60-69    Answers most if not all detailed aspects of the question. Content mainly relevant and accurate. Good knowledge and understanding of relevant theory and concepts and application of theoretical models. Evidence of a developing appreciation of contextual issues. Some small repeated errors in applying the Harvard referencing standard and/ or grammar and syntax.
2:2    50-59    Main issues addressed and solid attempt to answer question. Some relevant content applied. Sound knowledge and understanding of relevant theory and concepts and identification of main issues. Some repeated errors in grammar and syntax, possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly in places.
3    40-49    Satisfactory attempt to address question/issues with some content relevant to assignment topic. Material engages with relevant module materials, but largely repeats taught input and lacks development or personal interpretation. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly.  Some general understanding of topic theory and concepts. Lacks coherence.
Fail    30-39    Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met. Questions not answered fully.  Content not wholly relevant. Little or no evidence of understanding of relevant theory. Very repetitive of taught input – no development or application. The use of extensive quoted passages evident. Possibly failure to apply Harvard referencing standard correctly.  Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able to retrieve the module on resubmission.
Fail    20-29    No learning outcomes fully met. Little attempt to engage with the assignment brief and/or the module materials and ideas. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
Fail    10-19    Little attempt to engage with the assessment brief and has not met learning outcomes. Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
Fail    0-9    No real attempt to address the assessment or learning outcomes
To help you further:
•    Refer to the WOLF topic for contact details of your module leader/tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and other sources, etc. Resit details will also appear on WOLF.
•    The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and guidance to help you with your studies and develop your academic skills

5IB004 Managerial Economics
Portfolio Task Two – Semester One 2014/15
You are required to write a report that addresses the following topic:
You are required to choose two of the markets listed below; these are the only options that are available:
•    Household Cleaning Equipment – Mintel Report September 2014
•    Vitamins and Supplements – Mintel Report September 2014
•    Men’s and Women’s Fragrances – Mintel Report August 2014
•    Razors and Blades market – from the Mintel Report on Men’s and Women’s Shaving and Hair Removal September 2014
Using the data for your chosen markets you should address the following tasks:
1.    Identify the “market structure” of your chosen markets. You must provide a detailed justification for identification of the market structure for each market.
2.    Discuss the main ways in which firms in your chosen markets compete. Explain the choice of competitive behaviour by the firms’ in terms microeconomic concepts. Compare and contrast the competitive behaviour between the two markets

Word limit – 1800 words maximum
Assessment Criteria
•    Thoroughness of the justification for the identification of the market structures
•    Effectiveness of the explanation of the choice competitive behaviours and the comparison between the two markets
•    Structure and presentation of material, including the use of the Harvard Citation and Referencing system

For guidance about accessing Mintel Reports use the link provide in the Shared Links tool on the module WOLF topic. To access the link you need to click on the Topic Tools link at the top of the Menu section of the front page.

5IB004 Managerial Economics
Portfolio Task One – Semester One 2014/15
You are required to write an essay that addresses the following topic:
Berle and Means (1932) identified a “divorce” of ownership and control that exists in the case of a public limited company (plc). Evaluate how such a divorce could alter the organisational objectives and the managerial decisions in a typical plc.
Word limit – 1200 words maximum
Assessment criteria
•    Effectiveness of the explanation of the reasons for the “divorce” of ownership and control
•    Thoroughness of the evaluation of how such a divorce would impact on a firm’s objectives and on managerial decisions
•    Structure and presentation of material, including the use of the Harvard Citation and Referencing system


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