Posted: September 16th, 2017

Managing in a Strategic Context – Lincoln Electric

Should Lincoln Electric expand to India by investing in a major facility there? Using frameworks/literature of the course justify your answer with an analysis of the external environment.

Taking into account the lessons learned from expansion in other countries what strategy should Lincoln Electric choose to enter India – an acquisition, a joint venture or building a new plant on its own?

What challenges you may foresee as a result of your strategic choice? Make recommendations to overcome these challenges.

  1. Should Lincoln Electric expand to India by investing in a major facility there? Using frameworks/literature of the course justify your answer with an analysis of the external environment.
    700 words
  • Market Selection: INDIA
  • This is an international strategy
  • The question is: Should they go to India or not?
  • What are the market characteristics?
  • Using the frameworks/literature: PESTEL (political, economic, social, legal)
  1. Taking into account the lessons learned from expansion in other countries what strategy should Lincoln Electric choose to enter India – an acquisition, a joint venture or building a new plant on its own? 900 words
  • Evaluate your options:
  • Acquisition
  • Joint venture
  • Building a new plant (Greenfield)
  • How to evaluate?
    • Suitability: appropriate for the situation?
    • Acceptability: what are the risks and return on investment?
    • Feasibility: Does Lincoln have the resources? E.g. financial, human, skills?
  • What are the lessons learned? They should help you guide the discussion and make a choice!


  1. What challenges you may foresee as a result of your strategic choice? Make recommendations to overcome these challenges. 400 words
  • What are the challenges of expanding to another country?
  • Recommendations to overcome these challenges.

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