Posted: September 13th, 2017

margin of error

margin of error

• What “margin of error” really means
• Z-scores for the 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence levels, and how to use them in calculating sampling error
• Be able to calculate sampling error for various population sizes, various proportions, and how to adjust for a finite population (yes, you will be able to bring in a calculator for this) come up on and easy way to calculate it.
• Primary roles interviewers have to play in the collection of survey data
• The importance of a standardized interview (reading survey questions as written)
• Probing in surveying and recording answers
• How much specialized knowledge interviewers should have about a project?
• Use of volunteers in interviewing
• Methods of training interviewers
• Methods of validating phone surveys (calling back to re-ask questions, assess interviewer courtesy, verifying that an interview was conducted, etc.)
• How to determine if observed differences are statistically significant and the strength of association (using chi square, contingency coefficient, phi coefficient, correlation statistics, etc.)
• Types of data (nominal, ordinal, interval/scale) and types of analyses associated with each type of data
• When to use which statistical test (independent t-tests, paired t-tests, ANOVA, frequency, cross tabulation, etc.)
• How to prepare data for analysis in SPSS (convert “words” to numbers, clean data, etc.)
• When survey error is likely to occur
• Guidelines for coding data for statistical analysis (real world numbers, consistency in assigning numbers, having missing data codes, etc.)
• Methods of adjusting for underrepresented groups (quoting, oversampling, weighting)
• ANOVA post hoc test to use to determine significance in SPSS (Tu…)
• Understanding SPSS frequency, cross tabulation, and ANOVA tables (be able to explain the difference between “percent” and “valid percent” on Freq tables,* identify significant differences for CTs and ANOVAs, which numbers are n’s and which are frequency statistics, etc.)
• What should be in a study report (both professional and scholarly)
• How to report data (what decimal place to report for means and frequencies) come up with and easy way to calculate this.

Go online find the answers and write the answer next to the question
Example. How to report data (what decimal place to report for means and frequencies) come up with and easy way to calculate this 🙁 The answer is put here)
Some of these answers require you to calculate you must come up with and easy steps on how to do the formula.


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